It's June in the blink of an eye! How are you?
Today I would like to look back on the past six months and write about it.
AMONG has a new structure this year, and I (Kurisawa) have become the sole representative (I guess that's an unfamiliar expression).
What actually changed and what stayed the same? You won't know until you start...
I was spending time constantly checking and discovering my current location.
↑ The hydrangeas are so beautiful!
While I was doing what was in front of me, I think the thing that took up the most energy was exploring. There were many times when I was unsure of what kind of output I should produce.
At times like seems like that's the case.
Have a casual chat with someone close to you, take a hot spring bath, grow herbs, eat delicious food, do your daily tasks as carefully as possible, and sleep well.
↑Arugula. The number of planters in our house has increased dramatically, and we are now full of herbs every day. (Mainly raised by my husband Shopi ^^)
The AMONG team worked as shift staff at the POPUP shop and did the packing.
Lunch on such days is usually curry. (It's mostly retort! But it's really well made and delicious. Let's also highlight the fact that it comes with an extra item.)
Well, before I knew it, we were now doing various projects together.
↑ Everyone takes turns guarding not only department stores but also POPUP SHOP in Zushi.
This is the hat in the photo. Perfect for the coming season◎
For some reason, whenever I receive a warm message from a customer, it always comes at the perfect time, and I feel encouraged and encouraged by how happy I am (I always feel that way!). Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Meanwhile, we are gradually sowing new seeds.
Basil and others ↑ Cute Futaba. I'm feeling sluggish now.
I just discovered that a project in Yokohama City was recruiting for a one-year support program for businesses with a strong interest in exporting overseas.
I've always wanted to do a job that involves working overseas!
It's an incredible opportunity to receive advice from professionals in the field for free (sparkling).
The timing was like, “Oh, this is for AMONG, right?”
What gave me the boost was something that happened when I was working as a shopkeeper at Katatema in Ueno Sakuragi.
Katatema is a place with a downtown atmosphere, so we often have a fair number of customers from overseas, but on that day, a French couple visited us.
A place with such an atmosphere. Katatema will be open until July 29th (Saturday)!
It's been a while since he stopped by on his first trip to Japan, and when I introduced him to AMONG's scarves and stoles, he said, "Maybe France would be good too! French people love these kinds of things! Do you have a memo?"
When I handed over the paper, the couple consulted and wrote down recommended place names and handed it to me.
↑ This is the memo. It is posted on the wall of the atelier.
The project in Yokohama city was limited to 10 companies, so I wonder if it will pass? With this in mind, I submitted the application documents.
I got an OK reply a few days later (yay)!
From the person in charge,
“Why did you apply?”
I was asked, so I would like to share with you the anecdote I mentioned earlier.
``I would be happy if AMONG had fans overseas too!'' I said frankly, feeling like it might be a simple reason.
"That's enough of a starting point, that's where everyone comes from."
They said. Chest fever!
Yes, that's enough of a trigger!
I realized once again that when you start something, it's okay to do something as simple as ``I wanted to do it'' or ``I thought it would be nice to have something''.
↑ I want to send you beautiful sunsets like this from under the skies of various countries!
AMONG's customers definitely have something in common, even if they are from different countries.
People who are attracted to things that are a little different, interesting, and have a unique story.
It's not a square, but something is sticking out a little lol.
However, she has an exquisite sense of balance and sense of smell, which is different from being eccentric or rebellious!
I think it would be really fun if we could make customers, or rather, fun friends, around the world who have something in common with us.
I would be happy if AMONG stoles and bags were lined up in a boutique in Paris and people used them even if they were worn out! (→Delusion)
↑ I'm making a collage of magazines to expand my imagination.
Ah, I'd like to hold a workshop on exactly that kind of collage at POPUP in Nakameguro. (Details in the next blog!)
Also, I am currently making new patterns. This is my favorite motif (banana).
↑ I drew a lot!
I received a passionate message saying, "I'm looking forward to it!" and I was so happy that I burst into tears (← Chochogireru...that's old).
Please keep your neck long and wait for a while 🎵
It takes time for the seeds to sprout and take shape.
It is exactly three years for peach chestnuts and eight years for persimmons. I'm thinking about that again today.
This is an eco bag for peach chestnuts, three years old, and persimmons, eight years old . It's fun to have different colors on the front and back.
Color: Various colors (multicolor)
This is the other side ↑ The shape is a simple eco bag .
So, Babaan! ! It will take a while for the flashy (?) new work. but! A new type of shoulder bag will be arriving next week (around mid-June), so please try it out◎
It looks like it could be used as a camera bag, and it's the perfect size for walking around town while traveling. Looks good for men too!
This is a sample, but it looks like this ↑.
We will be introducing it at POPUPSHOP in Nakameguro, which will be held from June 22nd to 25th.
●《Nakameguro/Kafu Gallery》6/22 (Thursday) - 6/25 (Sunday)
Kafu Gallery, 2-8-8 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo (2 minutes walk from Nakameguro Station on the Toyoko Line) OPEN: 6/22 12:30-19:00, 6/23 & 24 11:00-19:00, 6/25 11:00-17:00
Let's make the collage from earlier! In addition, we will prepare three fun projects that everyone can enjoy together. I will write about the details in my next blog (up by the middle of next week)!
First of all, I would be happy if you could write down the dates on your schedule.
We are all waiting for you! (Kurisawa)
<Other POPUP SHOP information >
Shibuya Hikarie 8F, 2-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo (*Some items are on sale)

● 《Share shop Katatema》 (*Some items are on sale until 7/29 (Sat))
2F, 2-15-6 Ueno Sakuragi, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Access →
OPEN: Around 11:00-17:00 (Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, open on a whim)
●《Zushi atelier Linden》7/1-5・8/1-6・9/1-5
5-14-10 Zushi, Zushi City, Kanagawa Prefecture (1 minute walk from Keikyu Line "Zushi Hayama Station")
OPEN: 10:30-17:00 ( *First day 12:00-17:00. Last day 10:30-16:00)
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