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Featured fabric

A banana peeks out from the leaf. The bold motif is relaxed and deep in color, giving it a mature yet humorous look! It is available as a scarf, umbrella, and bag. Choose your favorite banana 🎵

  • 所変われば・・・お葬式編

    Different Places...Funerals

    Funerals are held on a day that means "a new beginning" in the Balinese calendar. Weddings are also held on this day. So, on this day, I saw weddings being...

    Different Places...Funerals

    Funerals are held on a day that means "a new beginning" in the Balinese calendar. Weddings are also held on this day. So, on this day, I saw weddings being...

  • 色を使って愉快に暮らそう!

    Use colors to live happily!

    Perhaps because Bali is located directly on the equator, the sky and flowers are truly vibrant in color. The trees are lined with greenery, and the leaves are thick and...

    Use colors to live happily!

    Perhaps because Bali is located directly on the equator, the sky and flowers are truly vibrant in color. The trees are lined with greenery, and the leaves are thick and...

  • 2025年スタート!今年はいかに?!

    2025 has begun! How will this year turn out?

    Happy new year The New Year in Bali started with spectacular fireworks and firecrackers that lasted until midnight. Locals were setting off fireworks and firecrackers everywhere on the streets, and...

    2025 has begun! How will this year turn out?

    Happy new year The New Year in Bali started with spectacular fireworks and firecrackers that lasted until midnight. Locals were setting off fireworks and firecrackers everywhere on the streets, and...

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Enjoy the uplifting messages and bold designs with nature motifs that are embedded in each and every textile.

Peach and chestnut are three years old, persimmon is eight years old
AMONG's Once in a Lifetime Encounter
AMONG's Spice

Peach and chestnut are three years old, persimmon is eight years old

Once in a lifetime encounter


AMONG's Path
AMONG Strata




A fish out of water


the sun and the moon

